




Name:                         Darren Craig Millett


Address:                    XXXXXXXXXX

                                    Carrum Downs,

                                    Vic.,     3201


Telephone:                Mobile:                        XXXX XXX XXX

                                    Home:             XX XXXX XXXX


Date of Birth:             XX XXXXXX 1965


Marital Status:           Married




Electronics, Home computers, Motor Racing.



            Bachelor of Science - Deakin University - 1986

                        Majored in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Accounting.


            HSC - Belmont High School - 1982

            Subjects were English Expression, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Physics, and Accounting.




Microsoft:        MCP, MCITP, MCTS.

AVST:             CallXpress      

Neverfail:        NCIE 6.3        



Microsoft:        Windows (Desktop) 8 thru Windows 3.1

Windows (Server) 2012 thru NT

Lync, OCS, Exchange, SQL, IIS, Sharepoint


VMWare, Hyper-V

Other:              AVST, NEC, and Active Voice – Unified Messaging

                        XMedius Fax Server

Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu)



Programming:   Powershell, Visual Basic, RPG, ABAP, Cobol, Dibol


Hardware:         Intel Server, Workstation, Laptop

                        AS/400, System 38, System 36, IBM 9370, DEC PDP-11.

                        Various network equipment, routers, firewalls, switches.

                        NEC IPS-2000 PABX




Feb 2009 – Current

            Employer:      Active Communications Pty. Ltd.


            Position:        Technical Support Manager



                                    Develop and administer internal IT Infrastructure.

                                    Provide technology advice to management.

                                    Perform Quality control for new software releases.

                                    Provide pre-sales technical support and system configuration.

                                    Manage and perform customer system installations.

                                    Manage and operate customer support systems.



Microsoft OCS / Lync.

Unified Messaging and Voicemail systems.


            Hardware:      Windows and Linux mixed infrastructure.



            In Feb 2009, NEC, the owner of Active Voice LLC, decided to reorganise its business structure.  As a result, a management buyout of the Australian branch resulted in the formation of Active Communications as an independent organisation.


IT Manager

My role as IT Manager continued largely unchanged from Active Voice.

Major project of outfitting new premises and relocating data centre for the new company.


Support Manager

                        The Technical Support Manager role within Active Communications remains largely unchanged from Active Voice.

                        Introduction and implementation of newer products, such as AVST CallXpress and Microsoft OCS / Lync to the Unified Communications product portfolio.




Aug 2002 – Feb 2009

            Employer:      Active Voice LLC.


            Position:        Technical Support Manager



                                    Develop and administer internal IT Infrastructure.

                                    Provide technology advice to management.

                                    Perform Quality control for new software release.

                                    Provide pre-sales technical support and system configuration.

                                    Manage and perform customer system installations.

                                    Manage and operate customer support systems.



Unified Messaging and Voicemail systems.


            Hardware:      Windows and Linux mixed infrastructure.



                        Active Voice’s primary business is supplying Unified Messaging and Voicemail solutions throughout the Asia Pacific region.


IT Manager

                        The IT manager role within Active Voice (Asia Pacific) requires the management and support of all internal computer and communications equipment.  These include a fleet of laptop PC’s as well as the internal Windows and Linux server network.  Network access is also provided for remote offices and home workers, as well as access to offices located in Seattle.  There are additional connected lab facilities running multiple PABX and Unified Messaging servers.

            The internal network, server, and remote access environment was designed from scratch to cater for Active Voices’ expanding needs.  Technologies include multiple WAN Internet connections, multiple firewalls, Active Directory domain, virtual servers hosting internal and external Web sites, SQL server, Exchange mail servers, Wireless networks, and up to 20 Unified Messaging systems, with associated PABX’s.

                        The IT Manager is responsible for installing, developing, expanding and maintaining any facilities that may be required for Active Voice to operate.


Support Manager

                        The Technical Support Manager role within Active Voice requires management of a small team of technicians to provide services to Active Voice’s customers, including software installation and upgrade, as well as 2nd Level support  for installed systems at customer premises.  Most customer support is provided through remote access.

Training courses on various aspects of Unified Messaging software and technology concepts are also frequently conducted.

The support manager is also responsible for local quality assurance checking of software released from the United States.


Customer Projects

Larger customer projects include rollout, upgrade, and support of Voicemail systems for nationwide organisations including Department of Defence, Australian Tax Office, Austrade, Department of Natural Resources and Environment.


Oct 1999 – July 2002

            Employer:      Sky Technologies Pty. Ltd.


            Position:        Operations and Support Manager



                                    Develop and administer internal Windows NT network.
                                    Maintain all other communications equipment.

                                    Perform Basis administration for internal SAP systems.

                                    Manage and operate customer support systems.

                                    Develop Event Control System (ECS) software package.

                                    Perform Quality control for software release to customers.

                                    Manage various customer projects.




Sky Technologies Event Control System software.


            Hardware:      Windows NT LAN, Laptop PC’s.



Operations Manager

                        The Operations manager role within Sky Technologies requires the management and support of all internal computer and communications equipment.  These include a fleet of laptop PC’s and mobile phones for staff members (currently 15) as well as the internal Windows NT LAN and SAP host systems located at two separate sites.  The internal LAN environment is quite complex, consisting of 7 NT servers, 2 Unix servers, multiple ISDN, ADSL, and analogue communications lines and associated equipment.  There are two SAP servers running 4 different instances.  Other servers provide File serving, Web and FTP services, internal email services, internet services, and development environments.

                        The Operations manager is responsible for installing, developing, expanding and maintaining any facilities that may be required for Sky to supply services to its customers.


Support Manager

                        The support manager role within Sky Technologies requires the provision of services to Sky’s customers, including software installation and upgrade, provision, operation, and management of the Helpdesk, processing of customer contracts and agreements, general administration of customer enquiries and requests for development.  Training courses on various aspects of the Sky Technologies software and technology concepts are also frequently conducted.

The support manager is also responsible for quality assurance, packaging, and distribution of Sky’s ECS software.



The Support and Operations manager is also frequently called upon to act as a consultant to Sky’s customers.

Sky’s consulting staff perform project management and development of SAP interfacing solutions using Sky’s ECS software.  The software is used to develop and manage interfaces based on file transfer, ftp, email, tcp/ip sockets, virtual terminal devices (RF scanners), EFTPOS equipment, EDI software, Web and Java based solutions, and various other technologies.  Where required, consultants perform full analysis, design, coding (ABAP), unit testing and integration testing of all solutions.

The consultant role also requires development and enhancement of the ECS software package to support new customer requirements.


Customer Projects

As a consultant, I have managed 4 major projects for Sky customers.

The first project involved creating a scanned image viewing system for SAP users, allowing them to view images of invoices and other financial documents along with their associated SAP entries.

The second project required creation of the EFT extension to the ECS software package, and integration into the customers systems.  The EFT solution allows the customer to accept credit card payments and validate the with the bank from within SAP’s order entry system.

The third major project involved interfacing a customers Oracle Financial Analysis system to SAP for provision of sales and production forecast and planning over a ten year horizon.

The forth project was to design and implement EFTPOS facilities for an Australia wide sales operation.  The EFTPOS facilities included no only credit processing as for the above project, but full POS equipment rollout to each site, along with the required network infrastructure and interface to SAP.



Oct 1995 – Sep 1999

            Employer:      Robert Bosch Australia Pty. Ltd., Clayton


            Position:        Systems Analyst



                                    RPG, Cobol, Visual Basic,  development and maintenance,

                                    ABAP programming, SAPSCRIPT, Report Painter / Writer.



PRMS (Manufacturing, Order Entry and Billing, Purchasing, Inventory), Maintracker (Timekeeping, Purchasing), CompuClock (Time Keeping, Payroll),

SAP Financials and Manufacturing installation.


            Hardware:      AS/400,  S/36, Novell LAN, PC’s.



ABAP Development Team Leader

                        My most recent work assignment within Bosch was a role as Team Leader for ABAP development.  Bosch has completed installation of SAP FI, CO, AM, MM, PM, modules.  Financials, Asset Management, Indirect purchasing, and minor plant maintenance are currently in use.  The next project phase involves transferring all manufacturing activities from PRMS to SAP.  The HR module will also be installed.

The ABAP team is currently involved in Phase I (Financials) support, SAP V4.0B Upgrade, Phase II (Manufacturing), and numerous small investigations / projects.  These include: Transport Control (Transport Manager, TMS), Output Control (JetForms, Create Print), Archiving (iXos) and Automated testing tools (CATT, Win Runner).

The team leader role involves coordination of all conversion, interface, report, and SAPScript development requests created by business analysts, and assignment of these requests to ABAP programming resources.  Minor analysis  and design work is also required, particularly for legacy systems.  The team has built up skills in all areas of ABAP development, including ABAP interactive reporting, SAPScript processing, report writer / painter, ABAP Query, Upload / Download and BDC processing.


            Achievements (continued…)

Environment Construction for Y2K Conversion

                        Bosch conducted a Y2K conversion project to convert all PRMS software to be year 2000 compliant.  All source code was shipped to India for conversion, then returned and tested / modified locally prior to implementation.

                        My role in this project was to design, construct and maintain a duplicate test environment for the Y2K software, manage local software changes, and manage all system security.

                        Along with other project members, I carried out Y2K compliance testing, user testing, and appropriate software changes.

                        I was also responsible for the design, planning and implementation of the final installation process of production software.


Project leader for Market Analysis project.

                        This project created a simple in-house system to allow sales teams to analyse market share, administer a ‘Fly buys’  type scheme, and to administer a discount scheme organised with Bosch Suppliers.  The project was also a SAP pilot scheme to allow several programmers to develop ABAP skills.

                        The above three schemes were consolidated into one project, requiring coordination of the various sections within the sales department to obtain common goals. Full project documentation, from Scope and Objectives through to Implementation was produced.  A team of three programmers was used to implement the system, after suitable training had been organised and completed.

                        This project also required the creation and documenting of many programming standards, naming conventions, procedures etc. for the new SAP environment.


Project leader for New Product Introduction system.

                        This was a multiple phase project extending over a 2 year period. The project was to develop planning and control tools for new products which Bosch would manufacture, and should aid the product development cycle from initial concept / request from customer through to commencement of full production.

                        Complete project documentation from Scoping / Objectives through to Implementation planning was produced for each phase.  Liaison with a large number of user departments, including Sales,  Product development, Quality control, Production Control, and Manufacturing was required.  A team of up to 4 programmers was supervised for the system implementation.


Project leader for introduction of change control package.

                        Prior to this project, Bosch had only a rudimentary change control system in place.  Installation and configuration of the Turnover package allowed Bosch to control and track all changes made to the AS/400 production environment, as well as automate many of the previous manual and unreliable procedures.  As a result rationalization of the AS/400 environment and security features was achieved, allowing many processing limitations and audit concerns to be addressed.


Install software package to replace preprinted forms.

                        This project was to install a software package to allow printing of professional quality forms for dispatch to customers and external contacts.  This package improved the presentation quality of documents produced by Bosch, and allowed cost savings to be made in preprinted stationary requirements.  Ongoing savings will be achieved as stocks of existing preprinted forms are depleted and replaced with this software.

                        This project required evaluation of various solutions to reducing preprinted stationary costs, package selection, installation, and forms design, along with minor programming changes to existing software.  Full reporting of selection criteria and result, cost savings, and decision process to IS management.

Other activities:

                        Provide mentor / tutoring facilities for graduate programmers.

                        Participate in Helpdesk roster.

                        Numerous minor projects and enhancements .

                        Assist network administrator as required.

                        Temporary replacement for Development team leader when unavailable.




Mar 1995 - Sep 1995

            Employer:      Kemcor Australia Ltd.


            Position:        File Server Administrator for Novell Network.



This change of role was required to fill a recent vacancy.  The position involved administration of all LAN based servers and connected PC’s, as well as supervision of 3 network operators and Helpdesk staff. Due to previous experience, supervision and assistance was still required for programmers of AS/400 and 9370 systems.

            The position also required reporting of performance statistics for all computer platforms, and ensuring that User service level agreements were met.  Monthly preventative maintenance were also organized and performed across all sites.



            During this time, several PC based packages and tools were evaluated and installed to improve efficiency.

Planning, testing, training, and prerequisite upgrades were also performed for migration from Novell 3 to Novell 4.


Nov 1988 - Mar 1995

            Employer:      Exxon Chemical Australia Ltd. / Kemcor Australia Ltd.


            (Several companies, including ECAL, merged to become Kemcor Australia in Jan 1993)


            Position:        Systems Analyst



                                    RPG, dBase, REXX, AREV, Development and Support.



Financial systems, Electronic Mail, Document Management, Process Control, Plant Information, System Programmer / Network Analyst VM/SP.



VAX 4000, uVax 3300, IBM S/38, IBM AS/400, IBM 9370, Novell LAN, PC’s.



                        Project Leader for Plant data distribution project.

                        This project involved the planning and installation of a hardware and software solution to distribute data from the plant process data collection (PI) system to the users desktops for plant performance analysis.  The project involved liaison between software and hardware vendors, network support analysts, and end users of the process data.  Supervision of various system engineers was required to install routers, communications cards, cabling etc., and education sessions performed to instruct engineers how to use the software.


                        Project Leader for Plant Process data collection

                        This project involved the planning and installation of a hardware and software solution determined by plant engineers.  A VAX 4000 system was planned, ordered, installed,  and configured to collect real time data from plant process control systems using the PI software package.

                        Complete system documentation and operations procedures were created for the new system, and the role of system administrator assumed.  Two process control engineers and a DEC software engineer were supervised during the system implementation.


                        Project Leader for Plastics mass balance project.

                        This project required complete documentation from Scope and Objectives to implementation, and included much liaison between plant management, plant engineers, and plant operators.  The system was designed and implemented over two months, with a team of 2 programmers to supervise.

                        The system was abandoned 3 months after installation due to lack of interest from management.


            Project leader for Unified logon project.

            Kemcor implemented a unified logon process for all AS/400 based applications and environments.  This process eliminated multiple user ids whilst still maintaining strict security and segregation between application environments.  Up to 4 programmers were assigned to the project for supervision.


                        Project leader for AS/400 Migration.

            Planned and implemented migration from 2 System 38 computers to 2 AS/400 model D45 and F25.  This project allowed upgrading of computer hardware and consolidation of systems from previously separate companies into one.  Exxon Chemicals systems were also separated from the remaining Kemcor companies, and placed on there own AS/400 platform (F25).


                        Team leader for AS/400 development

            With the commencement of the SAP project, the development team leader role was assumed.  This involved supervision and coordination of the remaining 4 programmers, prioritization and allocation of work, and evaluation of new project requests.


Project Leader for Financial Systems company merger

            A major project was undertaken to consolidate the financial system of 3 affiliate companies upon the formation of Kemcor.  A complete replication of the Financial systems, and appropriate data conversion was performed.  This also required system upgrades to be performed on the System 38’s.

            This project was accomplished with supervision of 3 programmers, and completed in a very short time frame.


                        Team leader for Exxon development

            Prior to the formation of Kemcor, system changes were performed independently by two IS departments.  This role required supervision and coordination of changes made to Exxon based affiliate systems   Work was allocated to 3 programmers, and two contract programmers at a remote site.


                        IBM 9370 System Administrator

            This role involved maintenance and administration of the 9370 computer, which ran the E-mail and Plant process data collection system for one affiliate.  Supervision and coordination of external contractors for operating system upgrades was required.  Some supervision and education of system operators was also performed.


Other Activities:

Mentor role for new graduates.

Create in house backup system for System 38

Upgraded financial system packages

Financial system Support Analyst

Project Leader for Plant Work request system.

Numerous small projects and enhancements.

Education and training sessions presented to system users.



Aug 1987 - Aug 1988

            Employer:      Hortico / Yates, Laverton and Sydney.


            Position:        Analyst programmer / System Administrator



            Dibol development and maintenance, Datatrieve and RPG.



Order Entry, Billing Accounts payable / receivable, inventory control, and Sales Analysis.


            Hardware:      PDP-11/44, PDP-11/03, IBM S/38, and PC’s.



                        Assisted with implementation of S/38 and PRMS.

            Yates and Hortico merged computing systems in 1988 and migrated from separate Honeywell and PDP-11 systems to an AS/400 running PRMS.  Participation in the project required data conversion from the PDP-11 system to PRMS, and also modifications to PRMS software to meet business requirements.

            The System 38 was installed at Yates head office, requiring weekly trips to Sydney over a six month period prior to implementation.


                        Data Centre Manager for Hortico

            Accepted position as data centre manager for Hortico.  Position required maintenance and enhancement of existing PDP-11 system, and supervision of system operation, along with Senior operator, and two data entry clerks.  The position required reporting of activities to both the Hortico manager in Laverton, and the Yates IS manager in Sydney.


Mar 1987

            Resigned from Army Reserve to work in Sydney.




Mar 1987 - Sep 1987


            Employer:      GTC Computing, Geelong.


            Position:        Development Programmer



            DIBOL development and maintenance, dBase III development.



Work in progress / Production Control, Invoicing, Asset Disposal, Order Entry, Inventory.


            Hardware:      VAX/VMS and PDP-11/84, PC’s.



                        Programmer for Land  Titles project.

            Created a dBase and postscript based system for the Victorian Land Office for administration of land titles.  This was performed under the supervision of the senior analyst.


                        Routine Task.

Participated in development and maintenance of systems for GTCs main customers, several Victorian woolen mills.  All work was carried out under supervision of programming team leader or the senior analyst.


Jun 1986

            Completed B.Sc. at Deakin University.




Dec 1985 - Feb 1986

            Employer:      Shell Refinery, Geelong.


            Position:        Clerk, Finance Department. 



Preparation of batch data entry, Accounts Payable.  Testing of Asset Valuation, Depreciation, Costing and Disposal system.


            Hardware:      IBM 4381, IBM S/38, PC’s.


            Promoted Bombardier (Corporal) Army Reserve.




Mar 1985 - Sep 1985

            Employer:      Australian Standard Management Systems, Geelong.


            Position:        Contract Programmer



COBOL Development and maintenance, Inventory Control, Costing, Debtors.


            Hardware:      Wang minicomputer.





            Promoted Lance Corporal in Army Reserve.




Mar 1983 - Jun 1986

            Full time student at Deakin University.


            Hardware:      DEC System 20, PDP-11, Gould.





            HSC - Belmont High School


            Joined Army Reserve as part time member of Australian Defence Force.